
作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/6/16 18:04:58  浏览量:28368


编者按:Deanna Teoh博士是美国威斯康辛医学院妇产科学家,其主要兴趣是妇科恶性肿瘤、微创外科技术和临床试验。在日前召开的第51届美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO)年会上,《肿瘤瞭望》向Teoh博士请教了她眼中妇科肿瘤领域在本届ASCO会议上的热点和未来的方向。

  在Teoh博士看来,今年ASCO会议上妇科肿瘤领域的兴奋点很多,特别是在生物标志物指导治疗方面的进展。因为妇科肿瘤包括宫颈癌、卵巢癌和子宫癌等多种类型的肿瘤,很难找到一个能适用于各方面的标志物,因此一直以来,在妇科肿瘤生物标志物方面的研究落后于其他领域。而这次会议传递给大家这样一个信息:生物标志物可帮助确定妇科肿瘤的治疗方案,帮助靶向治疗的开展,并确定最可能从靶向治疗中获益的人群。Teoh博士以PARP抑制剂为例进一步解释,一些研究者回过头去对这个老生物标志物进行研究,观察哪些患者能从贝伐珠单抗治疗中获益,而另一些研究者则寻找新的靶标。进入 研究者视线的不仅有BRCA胚系突变,还有所谓的BRCA样肿瘤。这些不同类型的肿瘤对应着可能从靶向治疗中获益的患者。











  Oncology FrontierCould you summarize the latest important updates concerning minimally invasive surgical techniques for gynecological malignancies?



  Dr Teoh: One of the exciting things we are developing is the introduction of sentinel lymph node mapping in biopsies for cervical cancer. There is also work looking at it in endometrial cancer. This will allow use tohopefully get the same diagnostic and prognostic information but with a decreased risk of side effects like lymphedema which can really impact on the quality of life for patients.


  Oncology FrontierFor ovarian cancer particularly in the elderly, aggressive therapy may not be as well tolerated. How do you make the decision on the strategy to use in older patients?



  Dr Teoh: This is an ongoing debate in the field. I think it is inevitable that we do undertreat these patients in some cases, but it is true that patients in the age group older than 70, do not tolerate therapy as well. One approach is to not be looking at the age as a number but instead the functional status of the patient. You can have a 90 year old who is functioning very well and on the other hand, a 50 or 60 year old who is not functioning anywhere near as well. These patients need to be treated very differently. So for me, I would look at what the patient’s baseline functional status is and what their comorbidities are. If there is heart disease or diabetes pre-existing, then it is harder to be aggressive with therapy compared to someone who is healthy, even if they are older. It also depends on how the patient feels. Some patients want to be more aggressive as they feel they have a lot to live for. Others really want more palliation, preferring a comfortable life to a longer life. Decisions have to be made on an individual basis and the discussion between the doctor and patient needs to include consideration of what the patient’s goals are.


  Oncology FrontierWhat have you found to be the exciting areas of development in the field of gynecological malignancies at this year’s ASCO?



  Dr Teoh: There are some really exciting aspects at ASCO this year. One of those is where we are seeing how biomarkers could be used to direct therapy. We have been a little behind in this regard partly because it is such a heterogeneous tumor and it is hard to single out one factor that defines all of them. The PARP inhibitors are an exciting area of therapy. There are some going back to work on known older biomarkers to see who will benefit from bevacizumab and then others looking at targets we haven’t used before. The message from this meeting is that biomarkers may be helpful in determining treatment for this disease, that they may help us target therapies and decide who is going to benefit most from specific therapies.


  Oncology FrontierCan you elaborate on some of those biomarkers that may be useful in the future?


  Dr Teoh: With regard to the PARP inhibitors, researchers are not only looking at BRCA germ lines but also the so-called BRCA-like tumors. Now we are identifying these different tumor types we are finding that we are able to benefit patient populations that hadn’t been targeted before.


  Oncology Frontier: What do you see as the take home message from ASCO 2015?


  Dr Teoh: The take home message is that it is an exciting time and we are going to see further improvements in the field which will benefit patients. We should not be treating gynecological malignancies as one disease but as cervical, ovarian and uterine cancer. And instead of just looking at the tumor, we need to look at the markers and treating patients based on their tumor biology rather than just the disease type. I think we can only expect continuing advances in the future.

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:何豫



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