
[ISFH/ISL 2015]多发性骨髓瘤的基因组学与克隆性演变研究

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/10/17 20:45:07  浏览量:32308


编者按:在第七届国际血液高峰论坛暨第二届协和国际淋巴肿瘤论坛上,大会主席、美国NCI多发性骨髓瘤联合组长,兼国际骨髓瘤学会创始人之一的 Nikhil C. Munshi 教授受邀做了关于多发性骨髓瘤(MM)的基因组学与克隆性演变研究的主旨报告。本刊记者现场采访了Munshi 教授,请他介绍 MM 的基因组学和克隆性演变研究与疾病危险分层、临床新靶点药物的探索等热点问题。



  Munshi教授:MM的确有很多突变,每位患者大约有58个突变。其中,最常见的是RAS突变,包括NRAS和KRAS,大约1/4的患者会出现这种改变,所以MM不是一个单个基因驱动的疾病。如果尝试从这些基因中挑选出比较有意义的致病机制,那么最重要的是MEK/ERK通路,包括 NRAS、KRAS、BRAF 等等,大约45%~50% 的患者都存在这条信号通路的突变。研究表明,一些患者可以通过抑制该信号通路达到治疗的目的。

  Multiple myeloma shows a lot of mutations, around 58 mutations per patient. However, no one single mutation is frequently observed. The commonest one is the RAS mutation, KRAS and NRAS. That occurs in 25% of patients. So it is not a disease that is driven by one mutation. If we try to make some sense out of all of this data, the commonest pathway (not the single mutation) that is mutated is the MEK/ERK pathway which includes NRAS, KRAS, BRAF and a few others. Around 45-50% of patients have involvement of this pathway by mutation and in some of those we can use treatment to inhibit the pathway to gain benefit.







  The main reason is that not all mutations are functional. In the data I showed today, only 25-30% of mutations are expressed. For the 70% that are not expressed, there is nothing you can do to block them because they are not important mutations. Even if there are 50 mutations, there are only 10 or 15 that are functional mutations that have an effect on the cell. Those are the ones that we can or should be able to block. Not all of the mutations that are expressed have an important role in myeloma. They may just be bystanders. So for us to find out which mutations are functional and which mutations are drivers so that when they are inhibited, we will see an effect. Another important point with all of these new studies into drugs that target mutations is that we also need to learn how to measure the response. If a patient has a RAS mutation that is present in only 30% of the cells and if we use a RAS-specific drug, it is only going to inhibit those 30%, not the other 70%. So we need to be able to identify how well a drug is working on that 30% and then work out how to best treat the remaining 70% by finding a second mutation and its inhibitor and a third mutation and its inhibitor. Then we can use a combination of specific inhibitors to get the best response. That is the best way to overcome that block. Finally, even if the mutation doesn’t have too much function but it makes the protein, then we can use the immunotherapy strategies that have been highlighted at this meeting. Immunology can be used to identify all the mutations and whether they are functional or not and then we can use the immune response to obtain an effective response. That is for the future.





  Clonal evolution happens for many reasons. The most important reason is inherent in the cell. There are processes in the cell that make the genome unstable. Because of that instability, mutations occur. There are many processes but three of them are important – base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair and mismatch repair. Those three are DNA repair pathways. When they don’t function well, they can lead to mutation and clonal evolution. That’s important because those three processes which were identified several decades occur, got their discoverers the Nobel Prize for Chemistry this year. There are other methods like homologous recombination and non-homologous end joining that are also responsible for clonal evolution. Our research should be focusing on how they are causing the clonal evolution so that we might stop it.





  There is no good biomarker for predicting when a patient would be resistant to bortezomib and when they are not. There is proteasome load or proteasome function but this is not the best biomarker. Right now, I will not use bortezomib because of a biomarker. We need to use it in everybody and see if it works or not. There are several functional assays being developed that measure proteasomal activity and if activity is not high, then the drug may not work. But additionally, there are various mechanisms of resistance. Patients can develop the aggresome pathway activation with higher HDAC6 activity, which may help us to understand why patients develop proteasome inhibition resistance and then they can be become markers for resistance. But right now, I think we should use bortezomib in everyone without selecting them for treatment or not based on markers.






  In relapsed myeloma, there are a number of considerations to look at. For the best course of treatment when somebody relapses, there are several factors to look at in making our decision. One of the main factors is what treatment did the patient receive initially, so in the case of relapse, something different can be used. Next we need to consider the side effects of the drug. If someone has developed neuropathy, then you will want to use something else other than Velcade (bortezomib). If patients had low blood counts, then you don’t want to use melphalan. If patients had kidney problems, then maybe you don’t want to use lenalidomide at the standard dose and you will need to modify it. Thirdly, there is genomics. If we know what the alterations are, we can begin to think about alternative treatments - high-risk versus low-risk, more aggressive versus less aggressive. If the patient received a transplant prior to relapse then I probably wouldn’t do a transplant at relapse. If the patient had not had a previous transplant, then at the time of relapse, I think we should consider using a transplant. There are many more factors but these are some of the factors that help us decide which drugs to use. The bottom line is, of the ten or so drugs we now have for myeloma, we have to use them in some succession, even use all of them if available, and often we will use them in combination. If a patient gets carfilzomib and dexamethasone and responds and eventually relapses, I would use the same combination but add lenalidomide or pomalidomide to get a better response. So using the right combinations is also very important.



  Nikhil C. Munshi, MD 哈佛医学院医学教授,基础及相关科学主任,Dana Farber癌症机构Jerome Lipper骨髓瘤中心副主任,美国NCI多发性骨髓瘤联合组长,国际骨髓瘤学会创始人之一,主要研究肿瘤基因不稳定性的分子机制,旨在帮助评价预后,提高诊断、治疗水平,目前的研究重点是多发性骨髓瘤的癌基因组学以及新型靶向治疗,包括针对抗原的疫苗、免疫治疗和小分子药物,已发表论文350余篇。


版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:付丽云



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