
作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2016/6/7 17:01:30  浏览量:29610


编者按:急性淋巴细胞白血病 (ALL)是一种常合并细胞遗传学、分子生物学异常的恶性血液疾病,其中合并费城染色体(Ph)和(或)BCR/ABL融合基因呈阳性的ALL,统称为Ph+ALL,其预后极差。目前,采用以酪氨酸激酶抑制剂的靶向治疗联合化疗已成为Ph+ALL的一线治疗方案,其缓解率、生存率等均优于单纯化疗,且可提高移植的疗效。造血干细胞移植被认为是治愈Ph+ALL的主要途径,但随着靶向治疗联合化疗的疗效日益提高,是否仍需要进行移植是目前Ph+ALL治疗的焦点话题。在第52届ASCO年会上,美国加利福尼亚大学欧文分校Susan Mary O’Brien 教授针对上述问题进行的专题报告,并在会后接受了《肿瘤瞭望》的专访。

美国加利福尼亚大学欧文分校Susan Mary O’Brien 教授访谈






  现在,我们开始逐渐看到关于尼洛替尼(Nilotinib)、达沙替尼(Dasatinib)的研究数据,还有MD安德森癌症中心关于比较泊那替尼(Ponatinib)与hyper-CVAD方案治疗PH+ALL的研究结果也非常引人注目。其中一个主要的问题是,有研究表明泊那替尼增加了CML患者的动静脉血栓形成事件。个人认为,这可能与泊那替尼的高使用剂量相关。目前已有研究旨在考察将45 mg的标准剂量降低到30 mg的效果,如果其研究结果证实降低剂量后该药仍然有效并且安全,那么泊那替尼将是在PH+ALL治疗中最具有前景的TKI药物。


  Prof. O’Brien: Unlike in CML, we don’t have any randomized trials in Ph-positive ALL comparing first-generation or second-generation TKIs. Based on the understanding that the second-generation are more potent in CML, I think most people have defaulted to using second-generation TKIs in ALL, although most of the published data up until now is with imatinib. We are, however, starting to see published data with both erlotinib and dasatinib. There is some very interesting MD Anderson data with ponatinib. One of the problems with ponatinib is that in CML there were increased arterial and venous thrombotic events and I think the feeling with that drug is that the dose is too high and there are some studies now looking at a lower dose in CML (30mg) rather than the standard 45mg. If it becomes clear that that is a safe and effective dose, we may see a move toward ponatinib in the future because the MD Anderson data with hyper-CVAD and ponatinib is by far the best data out there for Ph-positive ALL with a TKI.






  Prof. O’Brien: Historically, Ph-positive ALL was considered one of the worst leukemias and that was not because people generally didn’t get into remission, but because they all relapsed. Essentially, without a stem cell transplant, there really was no cure. The intent then was to get everyone to stem cell transplant, although twenty or thirty years ago, that really only allowed younger patients a curative option because all of our transplants then were myeloablative and simply weren’t available to older patients. Now we have the possibility of doing reduced intensity transplants in older patients and I don’t think people necessarily choose one over the other, they choose on the age and comorbidities of the patient.




  Prof. O’Brien: If you look at some of the trials where patients got allo- or auto- (and usually the reason they got auto- was simply because they didn’t have a suitable donor), in several trials, the patients who received auto- did just as well. However, in most of the trials, they didn’t just get an auto-; they got imatinib maintenance for some extended period of time after that. Again, this raises the question if imatinib maintenance is the important part of it, do you need to actually have the auto-transplant? How important is the imatinib maintenance/auto- combination? That is data that is not entirely clear.






  Prof. O’Brien: Up until now, if the patient had a donor, most centers would include transplant. There is emerging data that patients have a really good response. By that I mean a major molecular response with complete molecular remission after chemotherapy and a TKI. These people with such a great response may be the ones that don’t need to have a transplant. Is there any randomized clinical trial answering that question? As of now, no. The good news, however, is that the American intergroup in the US, made up of all the large medical oncology cooperative groups is about to embark on a large randomized trial in Ph-positive ALL where the final question being asked is, if you have a patient with a complete molecular response, do they need a transplant? The randomization will be to transplant with the best suitable donor or not to have a transplant but continue on TKI maintenance. That will be a very important trial. Some may think that that trial will take a really long time to do if you want to look at survival because you are taking the best group, the ones with complete molecular response. But there will be a surrogate endpoint of, rather than waiting for the potential years it would take to get an answer on survival, we will be looking at time to molecular recurrence as an endpoint, so that should give us an answer in a more timely fashion.




  Prof. O’Brien: So in summary, an important question in Ph-positive ALL is whether we still need transplants in everybody, either allo- or auto-transplant. In particular, do we need transplants in patients who have a very good molecular response? So far, there are no randomized trials, but there will be one. However, looking at aggregate data from trials, which is what I am talking about here at ASCO, there are clearly cohorts of patients who don’t have an allo- or an auto- and who continue on maintenance and who do quite well. We know there is a subset that potentially have a curefraction there, but what we don’t know without the randomized trial is would we actually cure more of those patients with a transplant, or is transplant overkill in a population that can do well with continued TKI maintenance?

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:付丽云



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