
作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2017/5/31 19:51:09  浏览量:30147


自1976年Morales首先证实卡介苗(BCG)灌注治疗对膀胱肿瘤的有效性以来,该领域进展缓慢,直至近几年发现免疫检查点抑制剂等其他新疗法对部分膀胱癌患者有效。对此,第112届美国泌尿外科学会(AUA)年会邀请Peter C. Black教授发表题为的专题报告。本刊专访Black教授,请他介绍免疫新疗法研究进展。

 自1976年Morales首先证实卡介苗(BCG)灌注治疗对膀胱肿瘤的有效性以来,该领域进展缓慢,直至近几年发现免疫检查点抑制剂等其他新疗法对部分膀胱癌患者有效。对此,第112届美国泌尿外科学会(AUA)年会邀请Peter C. Black教授发表题为的专题报告。本刊专访Black教授,请他介绍免疫新疗法研究进展。
Peter C. Black, MD, FACS, FRCSC
Prof. Black: There is a lot going on in the field right now with patients who fail BCG and there are different approaches. The ones most talked about are the immune checkpoint inhibitors, which are given intravenously as a systemic therapy. But there are other trials with viral therapy. There is one trial testing a virus that expresses interferon, and another with oncolytic viruses. There is a vaccine trial also. So there are a lot of immunotherapy approaches for non-responsive bladder cancer.
Prof. Black: The idea behind the checkpoint inhibitors is that the tumor is making tumor antigens that the immune system recognizes as foreign and actually develops a response to them. But when the T-cells come in to actually kill the tumor cells, they are turned off by the checkpoint PD-1/PD-L1 access. By introducing an inhibitor, we can release that inhibition and the immune system is free to destroy the tumor. Of course, it only works if the checkpoint activation occurs in the first place, which is why only 20-25% of patients show a response.
Black教授认为,在研究初期,必须把免疫检查点抑制剂用作单药治疗,以确认其安全性和有效性,但最终还是需要了解联合用药的效果是否理想。目前的试验仅仅是对于BCG灌注治疗失败的患者给予单药治疗。在美国,FDA指示这些药物在用于早期肿瘤患者之前必须在BCG灌注治疗失败的患者中进行临床试验。John Hopkins医院的Noah Hahn教授正在筹划一项临床研究,在同时行放疗的患者中,对比BCG灌注和BCG+PD-1/PD-L1抑制剂和BCG+其他一种免疫检查点抑制剂三组的疗效。
Prof. Black: We have to test them as monotherapy first to make sure they are safe and show evidence of activity. But ultimately, we want to see how they work in combination. The trials right now are primarily single agent in BCG-unresponsive patients. In the US, the FDA is saying that we have to test the drugs in those patients first before looking at earlier stage disease. There will be trials in combinations. Noah Hahn at John Hopkins has a trial in development where there will be multiple arms with BCG alone versus BCG plus PD-1/PD-L1 versus BCG plus any other checkpoint inhibitor, and radiation will fit in there as well.

版面编辑:尹丽萌  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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