[CSCO2017]巅峰对话:吴一龙教授、Fred Hirsh教授解读CSCO-IASLC联合专场

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2017/9/30 14:57:16  浏览量:33062


第二十届全国临床肿瘤学大会暨2017年CSCO学术年会(CSCO 2017)已经在美丽多彩的海滨城市厦门开启。延续往年传统,本届CSCO年会还将举办8场全英语交流的国际专场(International Session)。

吴一龙教授(左)Fred R. Hirsch教授(右)
  第二十届全国临床肿瘤学大会暨2017年CSCO学术年会(CSCO 2017)已经在美丽多彩的海滨城市厦门开启。延续往年传统,本届CSCO年会还将举办8场全英语交流的国际专场(International Session)。9月27日下午,CSCO与IASLC(国际肺癌研究协会)合作举办CSCO-IASLC联合专场,邀请了国外专家与国内学者同场报告及讨论,关注了肺癌领域新理念、新疗法。
  在会议现场,本刊有幸采访了CSCO理事长吴一龙教授和IASLC首席执行官(CEO)Fred R. Hirsch教授,当CSCO遇到IASLC,让我们来聆听两位学会领导回顾CSCO往日峥嵘,畅谈学会间的未来合作。
  ONCOL: Prof. Hirsh, welcome to CSCO meeting, what are your feelings about CSCO 2017? 
  Prof. Hirsh:This year, I had the pleasure of being here before, is very encouraging, very inspiring, and I see rapid progress in development of oncology in Asia in general, and particularly of course in China. We are impressed of seeing Asian investigators and Asian led clinical trials. Many of them are landmark trials and they have changed the whole feel and it is very impressive to see how the Chinese oncology community comes together and do those studies with other Asian investigators as well. So from our point of view this is very encouraging and inspiring. 
  ONCOL: Prof. Hirsh and Prof. Wu,this?year?marks?the 20th?anniversary of CSCO, how?do?you?see the role of CSCO has played in oncology community in the past two decades? 

  Prof. Wu: Recently, five-year ago the goal of the CSCO was to developed international understanding in the academic part. I think that we have a very good cooperation with the IALSC, such as at the CSCO annual meeting we have the CSCO and IALSC annual meeting. And also in the world lung cancer meeting with the IALSC we also have a very special session. We have the three-year joint session XXX and then I think this is a good cooperation to promote lung cancer treatment in a global perspective and then to promote the China lung cancer treatment forward. I think this is why cooperation is very, very important. 
  Prof. Hirsh: From a sincere point of view, the collaboration with CSCO and the Asian investigators is very, very important. I would like to see in the future much more formal collaboration with CSCO. We have had the joint session for several years, but might be in the future we will do more other collaborative activities, both educational and scientifically. And that should be our strategy in the future. 
  Prof. Wu: I totally agree because now we have the developed the subject area and program, open to Chinese young physicians. Also I think that we have developed much more the workshop in China. This is the front of our cooperation.
  ONCOL: A?collaborative?joint?symposium?between?CSCO and IASLC?was hold today, there are topics about EGFR, ALK,CNS metastasis, biomarker and immunotherapy. Would you please share your considerations for choosing the topics of CSCO-IASLC Joint Symposium? 
  Prof. Wu: We have developed this program for a long time, after the last year’s CSCO meeting and then we had discussions so many times with the IASLC which topic we need in this year. So, yes it is true, some of the topic are very hot, especially in China, because China have so many patients with driver gene XX EGFR, about 40% of EGFR. And also now we have so many drugs that could be used in the clinical practice, so I think the topic how to choose the ALK-TKI and how to sequence that using the ALK-TKI. So this is a hot topic because we have so many many clinical practice problems needed to be checked. And the second point I think immunotherapy is so very very pricing, and also need more and more technology, and more and more clinical trials on the immunotherapy which is why we choose immunotherapy in the regime as our hot topic. 
  Prof. Hirsh: Yeah, I agree entirely with what Professor Wu is saying. I could add that there might be other topics in the future we could put into the joint sessions. One focus could be early stage disease, there is a lot of interest in early stage disease these days, both related to adjuvant therapy, as a matter of fact also neo-adjuvant therapy. And for stage 3 disease now also combined modalities including immunotherapy. So I could foresee several other topics also relevant for a joint session in the future. 
  Fred Hirsh教授:今年在CSCO会议现场我感到非常愉快。我看到了亚洲的肿瘤学的快速进展,在中国更是如此。亚洲研究者主导的临床试验令我印象深刻,其中很多是具有里程碑意义的试验,改变了整个肺癌领域的临床实践。看到中国肿瘤学界与其他亚洲研究人员一起协作开展研究,对此我感到振奋和鼓舞。
  《肿瘤瞭望》:今年是CSCO 20周年,您对CSCO既往的工作有何评价?
  Fred Hirsh教授:IASLC是一个国际学术组织,旨在通过向全球医生传播肺癌知识,促进全球合作。因此,与CSCO的合作、与亚洲医生的合作非常重要。我们未来将与CSCO开展更多合作。IASLC与CSCO已经连续几年开展联合论坛,未来我们将开展其他形式的合作,覆盖教育和科学领域,包括举行会议、在线研讨、个人交流等多种形式。
  吴一龙教授: CSCO-IASLC联合专场的主题是两个学会的高层领导经过多轮的讨论才最后确定的。在去年CSCO会后,我们就和IASLC开始讨论下一年的联合专场的主题。
  Fred Hirsh教授: 我完全同意吴一龙教授的观点,未来CSCO-IASLC联合专场会针对其他话题展开讨论,比如早期肺癌的治疗。近期早期肺癌的研究进展吸引了学界广泛的兴趣,包括早期肺癌的辅助治疗,早期肺癌新辅助治疗。我们也将讨论III期患者的联合治疗模式(包括免疫治疗)。我们现在已经能预见到联合专场未来将讨论的话题了。

  Fred R. Hirsch, MD, PhD

版面编辑:赵丽丽  责任编辑:张彩琴



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