[CSCO2014]结直肠癌原发灶无症状+转移灶不可切除:在个体化的原则下积极化疗——Claus-Henning Kohne教授访谈

作者:  Jean-YvesDouillard   日期:2014/9/20 22:54:56  浏览量:67154


Claus-Henning Kohne教授是德国奥尔登堡大学肿瘤科主任,兼任欧洲药品管理局(EMA)顾问,ESMO eLearning主席,ESMO教育委员会胃肠癌(2009-2012)主席,《ESMO结直肠癌诊治共识指南》执笔人,泛欧结肠癌辅助治疗试验创始成员。

  Oncology Frontier: The management of asymptomatic primary tumor in patients with unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer remains inconsistent. What kind of treatment approach do you suggest?


  Dr Köhne: The usual approach would have been to resect the primary and then give chemotherapy. That was the conventional approach some years ago. However, we have much more active chemotherapies now, so if the primary is asymptomatic and we have metastases, we would advise giving chemotherapy in order to control the disease and let it shrink. Once we have controlled the disease, we might do an operation on the primary and sometimes also the metastases. The issue is not so controversial anymore. However, it is an individual approach, patient by patient. If the patient has a large primary and small metastasis, we might treat and operate on the primary first and then treat the metastasis. If the primary is small and there are widespread metastases, then it is much better to give chemotherapy first.


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