[SABCS2014]中国等发展中国家乳腺癌管理现状分析及建言 ——西雅图华盛顿大学Benjamin O. Anderson教授专访

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2014/12/11 16:06:22  浏览量:60215


编者按:全世界乳腺癌发病率和死亡率正在不断升高,尤其是中低收入国家。1980~2010年统计数据显示,中低收入国家乳腺癌发病率和死亡率分别上升了60%和53%,而高收入国家分别是47%和20%。由于资源有限,富有国家中所应用的最理想治疗方法无法在低收入国家中实现。在2014年圣安东尼奥乳腺癌研讨会上,中低收入国家乳腺癌的管理也是与会者讨论的重点。对此,《肿瘤瞭望》记者现场采访了西雅图华盛顿大学全球健康医学和外科教授Benjamin O. Anderson医生。

  Oncology Frontier: Dr. Anderson, because of income restraints, some of the therapy that we see in the more wealthy countries may not be implemented in those countries that struggle with resources. How do you address that problem?


  Dr. Anderson: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women around the globe and it is the most likely reason that a woman will die from cancer. It is an increasing problem in low and middle income countries, actually today the majority of cases are occurring in low and middle income countries, and the majority of deaths are also occurring in this area. This is really quite an important question for countries around the world and in particular in China, where breast cancer rates may be raising as high as 5% per year. The way in which we address breast cancer is by building systems that manage this in a sequential way. You reference treatment, treatment is a component of what makes this functional. First you have to find the cancer at an early stage, you have to find out when it is before it has become advanced disease. You have to prove its cancer and then you need appropriate multimodality therapy. If the disease is very late at the point of which it is found and we tend not to do as well, we do poorly with outcomes from treatment. Of course we do need to make the treatments available to women once the cancer is found. The issues for a country like China would be establishing systems where by which woman are evaluated, where those most palpable lumps in the breast are not going to be cancer so you have to find a diagnostic system that helps you sort that out, and then once cancer is diagnosed which is by needle sampling, then it is a combination of surgery, radiotherapy, and drug therapy that minimizes the chances of cancer’s recurrence.


  Oncology Frontier: You mention a startling statistic that Chinese breast cancer rate may be raising by 5%. That is significant and is there any understanding why that is happening?


  Dr. Anderson: It is probably not that there’s something terrible that the Chinese women are doing or having done to them, it is probably actually an element of the raising economy and raising access to healthcare, so when there is prevalence of breast cancer in any region, and particularly in countries which are accelerating quickly, which China is, and when healthcare access is becoming rapidly more available, that is when we see these elements raise. According to international statistics, survival in breast cancer is higher in China than it is in other countries of similar economic means. For reasons that I do not entirely understanding, it may be that healthcare in general is being addressed, it may be because there is an averaging between the regions and the countries that have more limited resources versus the cities where they have become modern quite quickly – this is like Shanghai and Beijing. The bottom line is that I think China is addressing the question and issues remain about how they should specifically adapt their system to this rapidly raising problem.



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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:侯丹丹


乳腺癌中低收入国家 乳腺钼靶检查 筛查超声

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