[ELCC 2015]第五届欧洲肺癌大会盛大开幕 六大议题彰显多学科综合治疗理念

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/4/16 19:05:58  浏览量:27009


《肿瘤瞭望》前方记者:“欢迎大家参加在日内瓦召开的2015年欧洲肺癌大会(ELCC 2015),我们是《肿瘤瞭望》,在这个顶级的肿瘤会议现场为您报道。”

  《肿瘤瞭望》前方记者:“欢迎大家参加在日内瓦召开的2015年欧洲肺癌大会(ELCC 2015),我们《肿瘤瞭望》前方报道组在这个顶级的肿瘤会议现场为您报道。”


  对所有肺癌及胸部肿瘤临床工作者来说,ELCC是一个重要的肺癌会议。ELCC在2015开始成为年会(过去是双年会),第五届ELCC将于2015年4 月15~18 日在日内瓦举行。


  ELCC 2015的精彩日程持续四天,有来自多个国家的1400名代表参会。六大议题包括:①转移性疾病的外科治疗;②放射治疗;③生物标志物对NSCLC的作用;④免疫治疗的地位;⑤癌基因驱动肿瘤的消融治疗策略;⑥SCLC和间皮瘤的创造性治疗方法。



  在开幕式上,ELCC 2015共同主席Dominique Grunenwald教授介绍了会议的组织者和会议的6大议题。他指出,ELCC是一个将所有肿瘤学重要团体和专家聚集在一起的重要机会,这也是本次会议的意义所在。ELCC 2015的共同主席Johan Vansteenkiste教授介绍了ELCC科学委员会概况。


  欧洲肿瘤内科学会(ESMO)主席Rolf A. Stahel教授指出,ESMO的会员60%来自欧洲,20%来自亚洲,20%来自美国。ESMO最重要的任务是教育、科研、学术会议等。Stahel教授介绍了将在哥本哈根举行的2016年ESMO会议。从2015年开始,ELCC将成为年会。因为汇集众多科研和临床领域的肿瘤专家非常重要,ELCC将扩大与代表胸部肿瘤专家的重要团体合作,例如EACR(癌症研究欧洲协会),形成了真正的多学科团队,加强整个欧洲及其他地区在肺癌科研、教育和临床治疗领域的合作。


  国际肺癌研究协会(IASLC)主席Tony Mok(莫树锦)教授介绍了IASLC,以及IASLC的由来:IASLC与专业和会议相关,IASLC的重点是“研究肺癌病理”,但也会通过学术奖金的形式鼓励研究者。


  ESMO和IASLC已宣布第一个 Heine H. Hansen(HHH)奖的获奖者是Pieter Postmus教授。Postmus教授是肺癌临床和转化研究中的重要专家。他对肺癌研究、诊断和治疗做出了杰出贡献。ESMO和IASLC创建了HHH奖,每年表彰一位杰出肺癌专家所做出的贡献。颁奖礼将设于18日10:30 ~11:00举行。《肿瘤瞭望》将全程报道,并将这位成就非凡的获奖者介绍给中国读者。


   One of the most important lung cancer conferences in the world is held in Geneva, Switzerland.


  The 5th European Lung Cancer Conference (ELCC 2015) welcome the 1,400 delegates all over the world from 15 to 18 April. ELCC 2015 is the most important conference in Europe for all clinical practitioners involved in the diagnostic work-up and treatment of lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies. 13 educational sessions and one keynote lecture will be running over four days.


  Prof. Grunenwald extended his welcome to the attendees; he has introduced and expressed his thanks to the organizers, and said that it was a great opportunity to have all these societies and personalities so important for Oncology all together. He described the 6 main topics of the Conference: ① Evolving role of surgery in metastatic disease;② Refining radiotherapy for lung cancer;③ Expanding role of biomarkers for NSCLC;④ Immunotherapy in our treatment paradigm;⑤ Evolving ablative strategies in oncogene driven tumours;⑥ Groundbreaking approaches in SCLC and mesothelioma. Then, Prof. J. Vansteenkiste, the co-Chair, talked about the scientific committee.


  Prof. Rolf A. Stahel, ESMO president, introduced ESMO: “60% of members are from Europe, 20% from Asia, 20% from America. Most important tasks for ESMO are: education, research, scientific meetings”. He introduced ESMO 2016 (will be held in Copenhagen). It’s for them very important to bring together basic research and oncologist. ELCC will enlarge cooperation with the most important societies representing thoracic oncology specialists, forming a truly multidisciplinary team and reinforcing the science, education and practice of lung cancer across Europe and beyond. ELCC will start collaborating with EACR (European Association of Cancer Research). The collaboration has to improve and go further. From now, ELCC will become an annual meeting.


  Prof. Tony Mok, IASLC president, has explained what it is IASLC, why is call like that. The idea is associated with specialties and meetings (21 webinar in 2014). The focus of IASLC is to study pathology of lung cancer, but also to encourage investigators by promoting fellowships for them, and helping them to publish...”.


  ESMO and IASLC establish Heine H. Hansen (HHH) Award this year. The first HHH Award goes to Pieter E. Postmus, and the ELCC Award Lecture will be holding on 18 April.

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:张彩琴


欧洲肺癌大会ELCC 2015国际肺癌研究协会胸部肿瘤小细胞肺癌非小细胞肺癌

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