[ASCO2015]老年乳腺癌的化疗和临床试验:关注年龄本身,你就错了 ——美国北卡罗来纳教堂山医学院内科学教授Hyman B. Muss访谈

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/5/30 18:49:27  浏览量:80244


专家简介:Hyman B. Muss,MD,美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山医学院内科学教授、北卡罗来纳大学Lineberger综合癌症中心老年肿瘤学系主任。其研究兴趣集中于老年患者,特别是老年女性乳腺癌的治疗和整体管理改善。

  Oncology Frontier: Being older than 60 or 65 is a very common exclusion criterion of clinical trials, so it’s hard and somewhat arbitrary to make a treatment decision for this subgroup of population. Could you give us some suggestions on how to include the aged in a clinical trial or how to develop clinical trials focused on older patients?




  Dr Muss: I think the days of excluding people according to age should be over. In the United States, we can’t do that anymore. We should allow any age. If the doctor and patient feel the clinical trial works in their favor, then that patient should be allowed to sign on. The first thing is not exclude age as a number. Secondly, there should not be exclusion criteria like kidney function and so on unless it is directly related to the treatment. If you have a treatment that metabolizes through the kidney or causes kidney damage then any person of any age should be excluded but not as a blanket exclusion which includes age. Then we need to teach doctors about the fact that a lot of healthy older people can tolerate these treatments and encourage the doctors, nurses and associated staff to offer clinical trials to their older patients. There is a definite age bias. Education will be a key part of this.



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