
[CORE2015]肾细胞癌靶向治疗与疗效预测——Robert Motzer博士访谈

作者:  Motzer.R   日期:2015/7/14 15:42:57  浏览量:21193


Robert Motzer博士,第六届国际肾癌高峰论坛(CORE)指导委员会成员、美国纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心肿瘤内科专家,致力于改善泌尿生殖系肿瘤患者的生存,主要研究领域为肾癌和睾丸癌,参与多项指南的编写并担任NCCN肾癌和睾丸癌临床实践指南编写委员会主席。在本届论坛上,《肿瘤瞭望》有幸邀请到Robert Motzer博士,分享肾细胞癌靶向治疗的心得,并介绍靶向药物、疗效预测、治疗策略等方面的最新研究进展。

         Oncology Frontier: Besides the validated models of the MSKCC or the International Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Database Consortium criteria, are there any serum tissue biomarkers or germ line genetic markers that are potentially associated with efficacy endpoints in first-line RCC patients treated using the anti-VEGF pathway?


Dr.Motzer: For the most part, the models that are based on pretreatment clinical features, the MSKCC model and the International model have been validated and they are used as standard of care for predicting prognosis and selecting treatment options. There haven’t been any validated biomarkers for renal cell carcinoma that are used in choosing treatment. It has been an area of unmet need that requires further study.


Recently, there has been some genetic mutations that have been identified that help to predict prognosis. For example, mutations in the VHL gene that characterize clear cell carcinoma of the kidney, predict a better outcome to the VEGF-targeted therapies. But essentially, all patients with clear cell carcinoma have mutations of the VHL gene. Some of the more recent chromatin modeling genetic alterations (like mutations of BAP1) have been associated with an adverse prognosis in patients with localized kidney tumors. We recently looked at patients with more advanced kidney tumors treated with everolimus or sunitinib and found that it correlated with progression-free survival in that setting. So there is a lot of work that needs to be done and there haven’t really been any validated markers for kidney cancer


Oncology Frontier: There are several treatment choices for patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma but none of the available targeted drugs are significantly better than the others. Do you think the combination of two targeted therapies for vascular genesis would be better than one targeted therapy such as sunitinib or axitinib?


Dr.Motzer: The types of medications we use to treat advanced clear cell carcinoma of the kidney fall into two families. One are the VEGF-targeted drugs (sunitinib, pazopanib, axitinib, sorafenib, and bevacizumab) and the other are the mTOR inhibitors (temsirolimus and everolimus). There have been attempts to combine VEGF and mTOR together, and to-date, they have not really been successful or pursued with registration strategies. Mostly, this is because of the toxicity that occurs with combining the two together. We have also tried to combine medicines that are VEGF-targeted agents together. The one combination that received the most attention was sunitinib plus bevacizumab. There was a lot of excitement around that combination several years back and a lot of potential, but we found that when those two drugs were combined they were intolerable because of severe hypertension and even some life threatening consequences.


More recently, there is a new VEGF TKI, lenvatinib from Eisai, which is approved for the treatment of thyroid cancer. We performed a study where lenvatinib was combined with everolimus and compared to everolimus in that combination and as a monotherapy, and the combination looked better in terms of progression-free survival and overall survival compared to everolimus alone. That was really the first combination for which we some evidence that may be better than monotherapy.

最近,出现了一种新的VEGF TKI 靶向药lenvatinib,由Eisai提出的,已获批准用于甲状腺癌的治疗。我们进行了一项研究,比较lenvatinib联合依维莫司治疗与依维莫司单药治疗,结果发现,lenvatinib联合依维莫司治疗获得了更好的无进展生存期和总生存期。这是我们首个经研究证实的比单一疗法疗效更好的联合治疗方法。

Oncology Frontier: Therapeutic strategies targeting the ligand itself or its receptor have proven successful in mRCC, but complete remissions are rare and with time, patients invariably experience disease progression. Are there any novel VEGF-directed agents for the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma?


Dr.Motzer: There are two novel VEGF-targeted drugs that are of high interest. One is lenvatinib, the VEGF-targeted drug made by Eisai. It is characterized by a high level of inhibition to VEGF receptor as well as fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGF). FGF is felt to be important in resistance to VEGF-targeted therapies. We think that that the two combined inhibitory properties of that drug may be helpful in overcoming VEGF resistance.


The other VEGF TKI that is on our radar screens is cabozantinib. This is a dual inhibitor of VEGF receptor and c-MET. Again, c-MET appears to be a pathway that tumors use to overcome VEGF resistance. Dual blockade of VEGF receptor and c-MET may be important in overcoming resistance. There is a pivotal trial of cabozantinib versus everolimus in second- or third-line therapy for patients who have progressed on pazopanib or sunitinib. The data from that is eagerly awaited and may result in the approval of cabozantinib in that setting.

另一种VEGF TKI是cabozantinib,是血管内皮生长因子受体和c-MET的双重抑制剂。c-Met似乎是肿瘤克服VEGF耐受的一个通路。血管内皮生长因子受体和c-Met的双重阻断可能是克服耐药研究的重要方向。

版面编辑:JYB  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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