[EAU 2016]最佳壁报:初诊转移性前列腺癌ADT治疗的敏感性预测

作者:  杨斌   日期:2016/3/18 17:06:55  浏览量:26098





  在第31届欧洲泌尿外科学会年会(EAU16)上,来自瑞典哥德堡大学的研究者对29例初诊的M1期PCa患者在ADT治疗之前富集循环肿瘤细胞(CTC),并且检测了CTC上AR-V7, AKR1C3 和CYP17A1的表达情况。在这29例前列腺癌患者中,均在ADT治疗前检出CTC。其中,5例患者CTC表达AR-V7, 17例患者CTC表达AKR1C3,1例患者CTC表达CYP17A1。进一步分析表明,只有AR-V7是肿瘤特异性存活的预后指标。这5例AR-V7阳性的患者的中位生存期只有7.5月;而AR-V7未检出的患者中位生存期是32月。该研究结果表明,在初诊的M1期PCa患者的CTC上进行AR-V7表达检测,能够筛选出对ADT不敏感的人群。该研究也获得了本届年会的最佳壁报奖(Best Posters).




  ① 既往,多西他赛化疗都是在前列腺癌进展到去势抵抗阶段(CRPC)才被指南推荐。2015年,Chartted及Stampede的研究结果都表明,对初诊的M1期PCa患者在ADT治疗时同步给予多西他赛化疗,能明显延长总体生存期。Chartted的研究还发现,多西他赛化疗对高负荷的M1期PCa患者获益更明显,而对于低负荷的患者尚未得出显著性差异的结论。然而,目前还很难区分Chartted以及Stampede研究中针对某一个具体的患者,化疗的贡献到底有多大。在治疗要求越来越精准的今天,针对某一个具体的患者需要采取个体化精准化的治疗方案时,ADT治疗是否敏感就显得很重要。对ADT不敏感的患者,可能需要尽早选择化疗。


  ② 一些回顾性的研究表明,对于寡转移前列腺癌(转移灶<5个)的原发灶进行局部治疗(包括前列腺癌根治术或者放疗),能改善预后,延长总体生存期。如果这类患者CTC表达AR-V7,那么转移灶可能对ADT也是不敏感的,可能还需要辅助化疗以主要针对这些转移灶。


  ③ 几乎所有的前列腺癌患者在接受ADT治疗后,都会进入CRPC阶段。研究表明,如果在CRPC患者CTC检出AR-V7表达,这部分患者则会对阿比特龙和恩杂鲁胺耐药,然后,多西他赛和卡巴他赛化疗仍然有效。目前,阿比特龙已经在中国上市,且价格不菲。对CRPC患者,检测CTC上AR-V7的表达情况,能指导后续治疗方案的选择,避免不必要的医疗支出。




杨斌  博士






1065  Detection of AR-V7 in circulating tumour cells before ADT is a negative prognostic marker in castration-na?ve men with metastatic prostate cancer

Introduction & Objectives:For metastatic prostate cancer Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) has been the first line of therapy since more than half a century. Inherent properties to sustained androgen signaling may include expression of AR-V7 (constitutively active androgen receptor), AKR1C3 and CYP17A1 (steroidogenic enzymes), and could mediate primary resistance to ADT. Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) are a promising prognostic marker for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer and the detection of AR-V7 in CTC has been shown to predict the response to enzalutamide and abiraterone acetate. This study examined if the expression of AR-V7, AKR1C3 and CYP17A1 could be detected in CTC before initiation of ADT and if these suggested resistance mechanisms could predict cancer-specific survival.

Material & Methods:29 Castration-na?ve men with metastatic prostate cancer were included before initiation of ADT. CTC were isolated with AdnaGen ProstateCancer Select/Detect? (AdnaTest). Detection of mRNA for AR-V7, AKR1C3 and CYP17A1 were performed with qRT-PCR after multiplex pre-amplification. The prognostic potential of pre-treatment variables was evaluated for cancer-specific survival with Kaplan-Meier, uni- and multivariate Cox regression analysis.

Results:All patients had bone metastases, 46% had N1 disease, 79% had cT3-cT4 tumours and 83% had Gleason score >7. Median age was 78 years (46-95), and median PSA-value was 580ng/ml (8.3-4000). Median follow-up time for those still alive is 24.6 (10-44) and of all 17 months (0.5 to 44 months). 12 men died of prostate cancer, 2 died of other causes and 15 are alive at last follow-up.?Neither PSA value, Gleason score, N-stage nor T-stage could prognosticate cancer-specific survival in uni-variate analysis. All men were CTC-positive with AdnaTest before ADT. Analysis of the isolated mRNA from CTC showed that AR-V7, AKR1C3 and CYP17A1 could be detected in 5 (17%), 17 (59%) and 1 (3%) patients, respectively, before ADT. Only AR-V7 was a prognostic marker for cancer-specific survival. Median survival time was 7.5 months for patients with detected AR-V7 (5/29 (17%)) before ADT, compared to 32 months in the other patients (Log-rank chi square=8.9 and p-value <0.005). The hazard ratio for cancer-specific surival in patients with AR-V7 detection was 6.5 (95% CI 1.6-26.4, p-value<0.01) compared to patients without AR-V7 detection.

Conclusions:This is to our knowledge the first time AR-V7, AKR1C3 and CYP17A1 have been detected in CTC from patients without prior hormonal manipulation. Our results suggest that the detection of AR-V7 in CTC before ADT could identify patients with primary resistance to ADT with a median time of cancer-specific survival of only 7.5 months.

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:果果



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