[EHA2014]黄晓军教授对话EHA主席Christine Chomienne教授

作者:  黄晓军  C.Chomienne   日期:2014/7/14 16:37:13  浏览量:57849


编者按:   Christine Chomienne教授为2014年第19届欧洲血液学协会年会(EHA)主席,就职于法国圣路易斯医院。   黄晓军教授为北京大学血液病研究所所长、造血干细胞移植北京市重点实验室主任,第19届EHA特邀报告讲者(国内唯一)。   在第19届EHA现场,《肿瘤瞭望》有幸参与了这两位血液学届的顶级专家的对话。请与我们一起聆听两位专家对EHA发展的估量和对用移植手段治疗恶性血液疾病的思考。

  Oncology Frontier : We are very lucky to have 2 presidents with us this morning.  Professor Chomienne, president of the EHA and Professor Huang, president of our Chinese Society of Hematology, thank you for being with us.  First congratulations to you and your team for successfully organizing such a great event.  My first question is what are the key features of the 19th EHA Congress, what is special for this event?
  President Chomienne: Well what is special of this event is essentially the fact that we have many more symposiums than we do with other hematology societies over the world.  An example is with the Chinese Hematology Society, it allows us to have different subjects and to be able to make people share their results which are done in different countries.
  Oncology Frontier : Thank you.  Professor Huang, what caught your attention at the 19th EHA? What can Chinese doctors learn from this event?
  《肿瘤瞭望》:谢谢,黄教授,您认为对于中国医生来说,EHA2014 上尤其应关注什么,或引起您注意的是什么?
  President Huang : I think the Chinese doctors can learn many things from EHA, many the Chinese doctors attended this EHA have enjoyed it very much.  Actually we know many new kinds of compounds to treat leukemia, and we have learned many new clinical trials to treat the relapses of leukemia or even myeloma.  Actually I think we have a lot of things to learn from the EHA, and a lot of new information to learn here at EHA.
  Oncology Frontier : Miss President, what is your comment?  How can Chinese doctors learn from EHA?
  President Chomienne : Well I think Chinese doctors are like European doctors, as long as EHA is a network where people can come and listen to what is being done for patient care we can all learn together, Chinese or non-Chinese, so it is important to be as many as possible so we can share data and our experiences.
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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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