[CSMO2014]中国的机遇和挑战:癌症预防和早期发现——肿瘤学家Martin J. Murphy博士访谈

作者:  M.J.Murphy   日期:2014/7/22 17:50:18  浏览量:81018


编者按:Martin J. Murphy博士, AlphaMed咨询公司董事长兼首席执行官,The Oncologist的创始责任编辑, “Hipple癌症研究中心”创始人和前任首席执行官,NIH主要研究者和150多篇同行评审论文的作者。在“第八届中国肿瘤内科大会”上,Murphy博士作了题为“Cancer Prevention and Early Detection:An Opportunity & Challenge for China”的报告,并于会后接受了《肿瘤瞭望》的采访。


  <Oncology Frontier>: When applied to clinical practice, results of clinical trials should be carefully interpreted to avoid misunderstanding. Is there any general principle to follow?




  Dr. Murphy: The currency of science and certainly medical science revolves around the peer-reviewed published paper. Everything we do in science must withstand peer scrutiny in the hope that only the truth will be advanced. That is the scientific method. Governments have the responsibility in China as exercised by the Chinese FDA, to regulate the appropriate prescription and usage of drugs and various devices based on science. So how do we get from a great idea or a compound that looks like it is going to be helpful in a cancer patient, to an approved therapy and registered drug? It has to go through rigorous clinical trials according to the requirements of their respective regulatory authorities, the US FDA,China’s CFDA and the European EMA, for example. They oversee the trials and then approve or disapprove drugs that have gone through the rigorous and statutory clinical trials. That is the way it has to be. What can be made better and is in the process of taking place, is that, although they are three different regulatory agencies, their communication facilitates harmony. The harmonizing of the regulations between those three jurisdictions of China, the US and Europe is underway so that clinical trials conducted in China may be useful in Europe and conversely, drugs that have been clinically approved in Europe may be more readily reviewed and more quickly approved by China. That is something that is taking place. It is not entirely there, but it is happening. A very good example is a targeted drug for a specific subtype of lung cancer which was developed and approved in less than four years in the United States (which would be considered a very rapid development and progression) because it worked so well. That drug was then explored in China with the approval of the CFDA to undergo clinical trials. It was approved in eleven months. For cancer drugs, on average, it has been up to ten years, sometimes longer, to gain approval. Because of this drugs specific target effectiveness as documented in clinical trials, it roared through approval by the US FDA in less than four years and that established data was utilized by the CFDA to identify required additional clinical trials in China with Chinese patients that could be conducted rapidly, such that Chinese patients with that specific lung cancer were receiving effective therapy in just eleven months. That is progress. It shows that the CFDA, just like the US FDA and the EMA, really have their heart in the right place. It is a great credit to all of the world’s regulatory agencies for having achieved that.






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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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