[CSMO2014]中国的机遇和挑战:癌症预防和早期发现——肿瘤学家Martin J. Murphy博士访谈

作者:  M.J.Murphy   日期:2014/7/22 17:50:18  浏览量:81011


编者按:Martin J. Murphy博士, AlphaMed咨询公司董事长兼首席执行官,The Oncologist的创始责任编辑, “Hipple癌症研究中心”创始人和前任首席执行官,NIH主要研究者和150多篇同行评审论文的作者。在“第八届中国肿瘤内科大会”上,Murphy博士作了题为“Cancer Prevention and Early Detection:An Opportunity & Challenge for China”的报告,并于会后接受了《肿瘤瞭望》的采访。

 AlphaMed咨询公司董事长兼首席执行官  Martin J. Murphy博士

  <Oncology Frontier>:In the World Cancer Report 2014, WHO says: “Global battle against cancer won’t be won with treatment alone. Effective prevention measures urgently needed to prevent cancer crisis.” We know tobacco regulation is an effective way to prevent several cancers, including lung cancer. What other measures should we take for the purpose of prevention?


  《肿瘤瞭望》:在WHO的2014世界癌症报告中这样写道:“仅依靠治疗,全球抗癌之战不会取得胜利。亟需有效的预防手段来预防癌症危机。” 烟草管制是预防肺癌等其他多种肿瘤的有效手段。还应该采取哪些手段?


  Dr. Murphy: As awesome as cancer is as a disease and that it has now become the single largest killer worldwide, in the developing world, it is now also becoming the single largest killer. Why is that? Because, largely, lifestyle choices have taken place whereby we are living longer but also not necessarily living healthier. The prevention of cancer is going to be the single most important thing we can do to change that curve away from death to life. Sixty percent of cancer-related deaths are avoidable by lifestyle choices. Top amongst those is smoking. Smoking cessation is the single most important think worldwide that can and must happen if we are to stem this tide of death.


  In addition, there has to be appropriate healthy nutrition, because obesity is not only a cause of diabetes and its complications but also a 20-30% increase in cancer rates is induced by morbid obesity.


  And lastly, physical exercise. Although the studies are still emerging, it is becoming quite clear that a sedentary life is not healthy. Exercise is not only important in the avoidance of cancer, but if cancer is diagnosed, you are going to be more physically fit to withstand the rigors of the therapy required to bring about long-term survival and potential cure. These are three things that must be done in prevention: tobacco cessation, good nutrition and good exercise. Early screening is very important for picking up tumors at an early stage and then, being more physically fit, being able to withstand therapy and have a better recovery.


  Murphy 博士:  癌症作为一种可怕的疾病??,而且它现在已经成为全世界最大的杀手,在发展中国家,它现在也已成为最大的杀手。这是为什么?因为,在很大程度上,我们选择的生活方式,虽然可以让我们活得更长,但不一定是更健康生活。为远离死亡,癌症预防将是我们能做的最重要的事情。60%的癌症相关死亡都是可以通过生活方式选择来避免,其中最主要的是吸烟。如果我们想阻止这种死亡的发生,戒烟是世界上最重要的可行的而且必须做的事情。





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