ASH 2019预告︱维特克拉(Venetoclax) 治疗AML前景光明

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2019/12/6 10:23:07  浏览量:18809


编者按:2019年12月7-10日,第61届美国血液学会(ASH)年会将在美国奥兰多举行。作为全球血液学领域规模最大、涵盖最全面的国际学术盛会之一,ASH年汇聚该领域最新、最前沿的研发进展。急性髓系白血病(AML)的治疗方面新药涌现、疗效卓越,BCL2抑制剂Venetoclax(维特克拉)的出现为复发难治的AML患者的治疗带来了新希望。今年ASH大会上,针对AML的治疗又有哪些突破性的研究和成果呢?《肿瘤瞭望》带您提前了解本次大会上即将公布的多项有关Venetoclax 用于AML的重要研究结果。

Part1 老年复发难治AML的新治疗策略

Daver N
Oral Presentation 229
Updated Results from a Phase Ib Study of Venetoclax (Ven) in Combination with Idasanutlin (Idasa) in Elderly Patients (Pts) with Relapsed or Refractory (R/R) Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Ineligible for Cytotoxic Chemotherapy
Type:Oral Presentation Session
时间:Saturday, December 7 2:00 PM
地点:Chapin Theater (W320)
Part2  Venetoclax与FLAG-IDA方案连用,可治疗急性髓系白血病
Oral Presentation 176
A Phase Ib/II Study of the BCL-2 Inhibitor Venetoclax in Combination with Standard Intensive AML Induction/Consolidation Therapy with FLAG-IDA in Patients with Newly Diagnosed or Relapsed/Refractory AML
Type :Oral Presentation Session
时间:Saturday, December 7 12:15 PM
地点:Chapin Theater (W320)
Part3  Venetoclax用于初治AML患者新机理
Chyla B
Oral Presentation 546
Response to Venetoclax in Combination with Low Intensity Therapy (LDAC or HMA) in Untreated Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients with IDH, FLT3 and other Mutations and Correlations with BCL2 Family Expression
Type :Oral Presentation Session
时间:Monday, December 9 8:15 AM
地点:Valencia A (W415A)

版面编辑:洪山  责任编辑:彭伟彬



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