
BRAF抑制剂在黑色素瘤中的应用和耐药处理——Dirk Schadendorf教授访谈

作者:  D.Schadendorf   日期:2014/11/19 14:40:06  浏览量:24822


编者按:在BRAF突变型黑色素瘤患者中,使用靶向治疗药物BRAF抑制剂,与放化疗相比,显著提高了治疗有效率,延长了无进展生存期和总生存期。然而,这些药物疗效短暂,大多数患者在1年之内就会产生耐药,肿瘤会再次进展。那么,如何判断BRAF抑制剂发生了耐药? 其中的耐药机制有哪些?耐药产生后又该采用哪些应对措施?请听德国Essen大学皮肤科Dirk Schadendorf教授对《肿瘤瞭望》记者相关疑问的解答。

德国Essen大学皮肤科Dirk Schadendorf教授专访



  Oncology Frontier: We are aware of Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK signaling pathway is one of the major pathways for the development of drug resistance and malignant melanoma. Please give us a brief introduction on how to define BRAF inhibitor resistance as well as its incidence and timing.

  Dr. Schadendorf: The Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway is critical for driving proliferation and initiation of metastasis of tumor cells in melanoma. It is driven by gene mutation. One of the most frequently affected genes is BRAF gene. The mutation of BRAF gene is upregulation of this pathway and leads to the oncogenicbehavior of tumor cells. So what we are doing is that we try to interfere with this upregulation of MAPK/ERK pathway by using BRAF inhibitor like Vemurafenib and Dabrafenib. And we found in most of patients this hyperactive pathway is shut down in most of the tumor cells. This can be very nicely visualized by PET scanning which is used for observe metabolic activity of tumor cells. For example, patients who have metastatic melanoma and getting BRAF inhibitors, you can see within hours within days the metabolic activity of the metastasis is shut down. This metabolism shut down is leading with some delay or shrinkage of the tumor. This effect does not happen in all tumor cells and is not for unlimited period of time. This is only a transient phenomenon. As a result, the time when tumor is being controlled depends on how long the BRAF inhibitor is really able to work. On average, the tumor control is in the range of 6 to 7 months. This is the median. We also have patients who are still benefiting from BRAF inhibitor treatment for more than 4 years. On the other hand, there are also patients who have tumor progression after receiving BRAF inhibitor treatment for 8 to 10 weeks. When we do CT scanning we see that there is no effect on the tumor cells and the tumor still grows. So resistance which leads to failure of controlling tumor proliferation varies quite substantially. The mechanisms of resistance are multiple. We have mechanisms which explain in part of this early resistance that BRAF inhibitors have not clinical effect. We have identified numbers of mechanisms which are developed over the treatment course over weeks and months.


  Oncology Frontier: So you have mentioned the mechanisms already. Could you be more specific about the mechanisms?

  Dr. Schadendorf: Yes. So what we have learnt about tumors which escaped from BRAF inhibitor treatment is that around 60-70% of the patients have a reactivation of the MAPK/ERK pathway. So that this pathway which is originally upregulated by the BRAF mutation then is shut down by the BRAF inhibitor for a certain period of time is reactivated by several mechanisms which are part of the MAPK/ERK pathway including NRAS mutations in around 20-30% of the patients. Amplification of BRAF shows a special BRAF splicing variant is a most frequent alteration of BRAF gene. Also in around 20-30% of the patients we found the downstream molecules MEK1 and MEK2 gene mutations which would also lead to resistance.


  Oncology Frontier: So it’s coming from multiple mechanisms keeping that resistance going. What kind of circumstance do we need to see for BRAF inhibitors resistance? Would patients need to be changed to different inhibitors?

  Dr. Schadendorf: Yes. I think understanding resistance is obviously critical in advance. Our treatment approaches need a rational time point to switch to a different treatment modality or adding something additional inhibitors for example. However, we are lacking good techniques at the moment to monitor if our patients are being reactive, if the tumor has really relapse, if there is new gross, for examples, CT scanning. We definitely need a modality which has a different model of action, for example, the combination of patients who have undergone BRAF inhibitor treatment with MEK inhibition with check point of blockade. So principles which work in multiple mechanisms could have a longer lasting in tumor control and patients could survive even longer.


  Oncology Frontier: With so many different emerging effective immune therapies and target drugs what is the status of chemotherapy now. Do we have any advancement for new chemo agencies?

  Dr. Schadendorf : Target therapy in clinical reality in many parts of the world having access to BRAF inhibitors and we expect the further benefit would be available with magnification by combination of BRAF and MEK inhibition but this will benefit only these patients subset with BRAF mutation which is around 40% in the location in American and Australian patient population. All others which are BRAF wild type not mutant we are still facing huge medical needs. We do see that PD1 antibodies will bring some benefits for these patients who will extend to patients subset with acral melanoma and mucosal melanoma. We need more data on that to make this point finally. Everyone believes that this is not limited to a certain subset of melanoma patients. That for, I think as soon as PD1 antibodies are being approved, there is no real need for chemotherapy in first line. Where that you would need  chemotherapy in 2nd or 3rd line depends on the mutations status and availability of clinical studies and also biological behavior of how quickly the tumor escapes the initial treatment modalities that there will be certain patients who still require chemotherapy. But in 3 years, most of the patients will either see target therapy approaches or immune oncology approaches and then the other way around before they consider chemotherapy.


  Oncology Frontier: There is no doubt that access to the new drug is the big steppingstone here in China. So how soon do you think there would be available access to affordable BRAF drugs and PD-1 antibody?

  Dr. Schadendorf: Access to the drugs is critical. We have seen that we have not made any progress in treating melanoma patients for about 30 years. Only the availability of these new drugs has made some progress but it is still far away from being cured. Also in Europe, because the reimbursement issue, some of the new drugs are still not available. Specific procedure in approving the drugs and have money available to pay for the drugs are important. I think in China, one has to think of a way to get things approved quicker and better. For companies who are producing these drugs getting closer contact with regulatory agencies. Here in China, I think those conferences will increase awareness of doctors and Chinese politicians as well as bring together of the drug companies with health regulatory agencies to speed up drug approval process for Chinese patients.











版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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