[ASCO-GI 2015]10万美元多购买六个星期无进展生存值得吗?——David J. Kerr博士访谈

作者:  D.J.Kerr   日期:2015/1/20 15:01:16  浏览量:85546


编者按:2015胃肠癌症研讨会1月17日的日程中,David J. Kerr博士代表英国国家临床规范研究院做了“结直肠癌指南制定”演讲。讲座结束后,《肿瘤瞭望》的前方记者就高额医疗费用的问题采访他。







  目前英国的医保承担范围是50000 ~60000美元,这个区间似乎很合理。不同国家或地区有其自己的医保标准。卡塔尔最富有,医保计划覆盖了所有医疗项目。




  衡量医疗服务的“价值”不是根据市场规律。Kerr博士“价值”的定义清晰且简单,但是每个人都有自己的价值定义,他们认为价值与品质相关,他们把价值理解为日常购物,是否“物有所值” ,这显示了语言解释复杂问题的有限性。






  Oncology Frontier: Where is the balance point in healthcare decisions where economics demand that you don’t use a particular treatment?




  Dr Kerr: I think all of us, whether we are practicing cancer medicine or diabetic medicine and so on, need to take account of value for money. In our ordinary lives as citizens we demand value for whatever we are paying for and that shouldn’t be different with healthcare. We probably need to promote the concept of value more widely. In our taxation-based healthcare system in the United Kingdom, we have the National Institute of Clinical Excellence which has a transparent means of allowing us to judge the value of a new treatment. The way we do that is to look at the benefits in terms of improved survival and improved quality of life against cost. Because we are part of a democracy in a taxation-based healthcare system, we can work with politicians to decide how much we as a country can afford for drugs that are often fairly marginal. If the drug is wonderful and works well, we will use it. We are having this argument because many of the modern cancer drugs are, at best, marginally effective. This is why it becomes very tangled in terms of these increment schemes. Is it really value for money to spend

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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:张彩琴


抗肿瘤药物ASCO GI2015胃肠癌症研讨会

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