

作者:  H.M.Prince   日期:2015/2/3 15:48:56  浏览量:75989





  采取哪种方案治疗CTCL取决于疾病分期。对于IA或 IB期的早期CTCL患者,重点是皮肤定向治疗(skin-directed therapy),紫外线治疗为标准疗法(UVB光疗或光化学疗法),局部放疗等局部疗法效果很好。而对于肿瘤患者、转化型淋巴瘤、红皮病、塞扎里综合征等患者要采取不同的方法治疗。干扰素是晚期患者的基础用药。对于肿瘤患者或转化型淋巴瘤,比较重要的传统治疗药物为干扰素、贝沙罗汀(Bexarotene)、低剂量甲氨蝶呤。组蛋白去乙酰化酶(HDAC)抑制剂普拉曲沙(Pralatrexate)等药物也显示出一些治疗作用。对于复发性疾病,尼白介素、HDAC抑制剂和单克隆抗体有一定作用。红皮病或塞扎里综合征患者可采用体外光化学疗法(ECP)。最关键的一点是应考虑到每位患者的疾病分期、合并症和患者的耐受性。CTCL是世界性疾病,不同的地区有不同的药物选择。


  H. Miles Prince博士是墨尔本大学和莫纳什大学的教授,及彼得麦卡勒姆癌症血细胞疗法中心的主任,担任澳大利亚骨髓瘤基金会主席,参与了多个骨髓瘤和淋巴瘤新药临床试验。








  根据肿瘤的侵袭性程度,晚期CTCL首选干扰素、贝沙罗汀和低剂量甲氨蝶呤治疗。如果该方案不奏效,则选用生物制剂治疗,HDAC抑制剂、普拉曲沙、单克隆抗体(如阿来组单抗,Alemtuzumab)或融合毒素(如地尼白介素)都是比较好的选择。抗CCR4抗体的治疗效果令人期待。对于CD30阳性的患者,新型靶向抗体-药物偶联物brentuximab vedotin的研究数据良好。但是还不清楚这些新药治疗的缓解持续时间有多长。




  自体移植治疗CTCL效果极小,治疗侵袭性强的转化型淋巴瘤效果多一些。自体移植有助于改变肿瘤的侵袭性,改善疾病长期管理(治愈几乎不可能)。CTCL 细胞具有免疫调节能力,因此同种异体移植治疗CTCL令人期待。异体移植适用于年纪较轻的患者,CTCL患者的平均年龄约为70岁,所以大部分患者不适合这种疗法。异体移植可改善塞扎里综合征及早期患者的治疗效果,但不是最好的治疗方法。




  Oncology Frontier: There are many biological agents for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL). What is the cornerstone of these treatment strategies?




  Dr Prince: It depends on the stage of the disease. For early stage disease, I think we have a fairly clear approach centered on skin-directed therapies. Ultraviolet light (either PUVA or UVB) is the standard treatment. Sometimes localized radiotherapy for limited disease and obviously topical treatments come into play as well. So skin-directed therapies really are the focus for early stage disease, stage IA or IB. For more advanced stage disease, we are starting to think about these more differently. There are patients who have tumor disease, patients who have transformed disease and patients who have erythroderma or otherwise Sézary Syndrome, and we are starting to compartmentalize those into different approaches. Certainly interferon is an important cornerstone treatment for patients with advanced disease. Patients with tumor stage or transformed disease are a real challenge. We have a number of new agents and it is fair to say that we are still working out how to use them. In terms of the older agents, interferon, bexarotene and low-dose methotrexate, clearly are important. Then there are the histone deacetylase inhibitors like pralatrexate. There are a number of new agents where we are trying to find a place for those. For patients who have relapsed disease, then drugs like denileukin diftitox, the HDAC inhibitors and novel agents like monoclonal antibodies now have a defined role. For patients with erythroderma or Sézary, we also use extracorporeal photophoresis (ECP). That is a treatment that is very much in the forefront. The key message is that we have to think of each patient individually in terms of their stage of disease and comorbidities, tolerance and being a worldwide disease, there are different availabilities of different drugs in different regions.


  Prince博士:采取哪种方案治疗CTCL取决于疾病分期。对于IA或 IB期的早期CTCL患者,应重点是皮肤定向疗法(skin-directed therapy),标准治疗方法为紫外线治疗(或者UVB光疗或光化学疗法),局部放疗等局部疗法效果很好。而对于肿瘤患者、转化型淋巴瘤、红皮病、塞扎里综合征等患者要采取不同的方法治疗。干扰素是晚期患者的基础用药。皮肤淋巴肿瘤或转化型淋巴瘤很难治疗,比较重要的传统治疗药物为干扰素、贝沙罗汀(Bexarotene)、低剂量甲氨蝶呤。组蛋白去乙酰化酶(HDAC)抑制剂普拉曲沙(Pralatrexate)等药物也显示出一些治疗作用。对于复发性疾病,尼白介素、HDAC抑制剂、单克隆抗体有一定作用。红皮病或塞扎里综合征患者可采用体外光化学疗法(ECP)。最关键的一点是应考虑到每位患者疾病分期、合并症、耐受性。CTCL是世界性疾病,不同的地区有不同的药物选择。

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