[ACOS2014]早期预警症状仍是早期发现卵巢癌的主要方法——Barbara A Goff教授访谈

作者:  B.A.Goff   日期:2014/5/19 18:03:06  浏览量:32747




  Barbara A Goff  美国华盛顿大学妇产科学

  Barbara A Goff,美国华盛顿大学妇产科学系主任、教授,弗莱德·哈钦森癌症研究中心副研究员。其专业为妇科肿瘤的外科治疗、机器人手术、化疗、卵巢癌临床试验和早期检测。

  <Oncology Frontier>: What are current clinical practice and research hotspots in gynecological oncology?

  Prof. Goff: I think the biggest hot topics in gynaecologicalcancer, particularly ovarian cancer,really surround new targeted therapies, so we are seeing therapies that specifically target certain pathways, like women who have BRCA mutations. There arespecific drugs that work extremely well in this group of patients.We are seeing anti-androgenic drugs that have really great activity, so I thinkone of the most exciting things in terms of hot topics ingynaecologicalcancer is new targeted therapies that are becoming available every day and that we are seeing these clinical trials on.

  I also think that we are seeing great advances in surgery, particularly the minimallyinvasive surgical techniques that are allowing women to have very extensive operations but with only very tiny incisions, much less pain and better outcomes.I think, specifically with ovarian cancer, we are still trying to look at what is the role of intraperitoneal chemotherapy, what is the role of dose-dense chemotherapy, and how can we maximize the survival for these patients.




  <Oncology Frontier>: Ovarian cancers are usually diagnosed at an advanced stage and have poor prognosis. Are there better approaches for ovarian cancer screening, to detect earlier, treat earlier and improve prognosis?

  Prof. Goff: Yes, so that’s an excellent question. There have been several prospective randomized trials that have evaluated very different screening techniques. Unfortunately, most of these trials have not shown that there is an improvement in the mobility or the mortality. Right now, the screening protocol that has probably the best chance of being successful is the screening program that comes from the UK collaborative study where women are been screened with a CA125s and having that analyzed with a risk of ovarian cancer algorithm (ROCA).I think that is probably going to be the strategy that is most likely to be successful although we are still waiting for those final results to be reported. People continue to look for other markers for ovarian cancer, but unfortunately, we’ve not been very successful in identifying other markers, which is why I think it’s very important for women and practitioners to understand what the early symptoms of ovariancancer are.Those include bloating, increased abdominal size, feeling full quickly, difficulty eating andurinarysymptoms. Those can all be symptoms of ovarian cancer and while a lot of womenwillhave those symptoms and don’t have ovarian cancer, it is important to know that research that we’ve done in the United States shows that those symptoms are predictive of havingovarian cancer. So it is important for women to understand that if they have these symptoms and that these symptoms persist for more than 3 weeks, and that they occur almost daily or every other day, that theyshould see their physician and let them know that they have concerning symptoms.






  <Oncology Frontier>: Which gynecological malignancies are recommended to have screening tests according to evidence in hand? And in what population the screening should be performed?

  Prof. Goff: Right now, the only gynaecologicalcancerwhere there are formal recommendations for screening would be cervicalcancer, and I think what’s exciting is that there are now several different approaches to screening cervical cancer. There can be the conventional pap smear. There can be co-testing with pap smear and HPV.And there can now also be primary HPV screening which we think may have even higher sensitivity for detecting cervixcancer. I think that’s very good news to reduce the incidence of cervixcancer. For the other gynaecologicalcancers, at least in the United States, there is no formal recommendation for screeningfor ovarian cancer in the general population. Screening is not recommended because it’s been associated with an increased riskof harm from screening rather than benefit, so we currently do not screen women for ovarian cancer in the general population, but we do encourage women and practitioners to talk about symptoms and understand what some of the earlywarning signs can be from ovarian cancer. For women who have genetic mutations who are at higher risk for ovarian cancer (those with BRCA1 or BRCA2mutations), we are still recommending prophylactic risk-reducing surgeryfor those patients to try to prevent ovarian cancer.Finally for endometrial cancer, there are no formal recommendations for screening, but the good news is that most women with endometrialcancer will have early warning symptoms. Usually they will have post-menopausal bleeding, or for women who are not menopausal,they will have heavier than normal bleeding or bleeding in between the periods.So for any women with abnormal bleeding who is over the age of 40, we recommend that they have an endometrialbiopsy to make sure that they don’t have endometrial cancer.






  <Oncology Frontier>: What is the standard of care for advanced Ovarian Cancer?

  Prof. Goff: The standard care for advanced ovarian cancer first involves a decision as to whether or not a woman should have upfront surgery or whether she should have  neoadjuvantchemotherapy. If the surgeon feels that they can resect all of the disease, then we strongly recommend that women have primary debulkingsurgery with the goal of removing all of the disease. In those patients, I think the best option is to treat either with intraperitoneal chemotherapy or to treat with dose-dense chemotherapy. I think that is the standard of care at this point in time. We don’t recommend maintenance therapy at this point in time, nor do we use upfront anti-androgenictherapy, although there are some people who are using that approach.That approach has not been shown to be associated with an improved cure rate, so for those reasons we don’t use them.




版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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