[ELCC2015] 肺癌放疗剂量及分割方式——Ruysscher教授访谈

作者:  D.D.Ruysscher   日期:2015/4/20 18:12:28  浏览量:25994


编者按:Dirk De Ruysscher教授是比利时鲁汶大学医院放射肿瘤医师。主导和参与多项放疗方面的大型临床试验。在2015年ELCC大会的个体化放疗特别专题专场,做主题报告“器官风险:如何做到个体化?(Organs at risk: How to individualise? )”

  Oncology Frontier:Could you please talk about the dose and fractionation of radiotherapy in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer?


  Dr. Dirk:Certainly. We should distinguish the different situations in sequential chemotherapy & radiotherapy and concurrent chemotherapy & radiotherapy. In sequential chemotherapy and radiotherapy, you first give three or four cycles of chemotherapy, followed by radiotherapy. As effective as local treatment, it has been shown in individual patient-based meta-analysis that overall survival is better at five years when you level the radiation at an accelerated way. That is why we decided that the ESMO guidelines also put forward this type of radiotherapy. The meta-analysis was done with bifractionated or trifractionated radiation schedules, whereas at the moment, we adhere to the RTC(randomized controlled trial)schedule, which is something like 66gy in 24 daily fractions followed by a very high dose, from a biological point of view, 66gy in a short of arm treatment time. We have a phase three trial from the RTC(randomized controlled trial)and a phase two trial by the RTC(randomized controlled trial) which shows that the toxicity of this schedule is very feasible. So, in the sequential schedule it’s really best to first give chemotherapy, then follow with accelerated radiation. On the other hand, if you give concurrent chemo-radiation, we don’t have an argument to give accelerated radial therapy at this time. Then we have the American IMRT study, which was just published, that shows no survival benefit in giving 74Gy in the conventional 2 Gy a day, five times a week fractionation, compared 60Gy in the same fractionation but given concurrently with chemotherapy. On the contrary, the 74 Gy arm had a lower survival rate. Now, the issue as to why this is has not been settled yet. It might be due to an excess of heart toxicity—this is a hypothesis and there are arguments for it—but it may also be due to other unknown factors. What is also strange is that, numerically, there were more local failures in the high dose, 74 Gy arm, than in the 60 Gy arm, which is difficult to understand. So, I think the question as to why the 74 Gy arm had the worse survival rate is still out there. But, the RTOT should be congratulated for doing this type of phase 3 trial as it’s also true that at the moment we don’t have any arguments, or clinical trials, to give 74Gy. Of course, there is a lot of interest to do other kinds of dose escalations instead of adding 2 Gy fractions a day.


  Oncology Frontier: Do you recommend 74 Gy dose for the treatment of patients with unresectable stage III NSCLC?Could you please introduce the optimal dose and area of thoracic radiotherapy (TRT)for small cell lung cancer (SCLC)?


  Dr. Dirk:Yes, for small cell lung cancer we should distinguish the so-called limited stage versus the extensive stage. The limited stage is stage 1, 2, and 3, and stage 4 is the extensive stage. Most patients, of course, have stage 3 disease. We had shown at the Amsterdam World Cancer Congress that, based on randomized studies, and meta-analysis based on individual patient data, when you deliver the radiation in a very short overall treatment time, and deliver it very quickly, then you have a better overall survival rate at five years. At the moment, the standard treatment is 45gy in 3 weeks, twice daily radiation with 1.5gy, and the absolute difference in 5 year survival rate is 10%, based on published data, and 8%, based on individual patient data analysis (8%). Of course, the price to be paid is that you have more acute esophagitis, but it’s temporary and heals a few weeks after the end of radiation. Since there is no increase of late side effects,  accelerated radiation, combined with chemotherapy, is the first choice in treating limited stage small cell lung cancer.In extensive disease small cell lung cancer, there is an RTC trial that shows that survival increases by adding thoracic radiation, wherein patients receive 30gy in 10 daily fractions.

  Dirk教授:可以,对于小细胞肺癌,我们应该区分所谓的局限期与广泛期。局限期包括1,2,3期,4期属于广泛期,当然了,多数患者,处于第3期。我们在阿姆斯特丹世界癌症大会已经报道了随机研究和meta分析(基于个体患者的数据)的结果,加速超分割方式显示了较好的5年生存率。这样,标准方案给予加速超分割(45 Gy,1.5Gy/次,1天2次)使得并以5年绝对生存率提高10%,基于公布的数据及meta分析(基于个体患者的数据)结果都显示生存率提高8%.当然,所要付出的代价是,会有较高的急性放射性食管炎,但它只是暂时的,在放疗结束后的几个星期后可以治愈。由于没有增加晚期放疗损伤,加速超分割联合化疗,为治疗限期小细胞肺癌的首选。对于广泛期小细胞肺癌,有一项随机对照临床试验显示,30Gy/10次的胸部放疗可以使生存率提高。

  Oncology Frontier: What is the optimal timing of thoracic radiotherapy in patients receiving chemotherapy for limited stage SCLC?


  Dr. Dirk:Well, here we also have stage 3 data from meta-analysis showing that if you deliver the thoracic radiation within 60 days after the beginning of chemotherapy, then survival in the long run is better. While the results of the Korean trial where they administered thoracic radiation in the third cycle is still unknown, it is true that you should give the radiation in the first or second cycle, probably within 60 days. I would like to stress that the chemo component is crucial, so give early accelerated radiation with cisplatin and etoposide at full dose. Then, you will have the best survival rate in the long run, so five years, in stage 3 lung cancer.


  Oncology Frontier: There is a controversy surrounding the prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) for preventing brain metastases in patients with SCLC, how do you evaluate the benefit and treatment-related toxicities http://www.tlcr.org/article/view/578/1157of PCI?


  Dr. Dirk:Again, we should distinguish between the limited stage and the extensive stage disease small cell lung cancer. In the limited stage, we have an old meta-analysis which shows that PCI improves long term survival.There is also one RTC study that shows the same positive effect on survival by adding PCI in patients with extensive disease small cell lung cancer.Now, I am aware that there was recently an abstract of a Japanese study group that shows that PCI had detrimental effects on survival, but we don’t know the full contents of the paper as the abstract was for the preliminary results.

  It could be due to a selection bias of the patients, because in no other study, neither in small cell lung cancer, nor in non-small cell lung cancer, has it been shown that PCI has a detrimental effect on survival.At this time, in non-small cell lung cancer, we don’t have arguments that it improves survival, although it decreases the incidences of brain metastasis, but it was never a detrimental effect. So, I would just wait for the full paper, and then we can analyze in detail why there was a detrimental effect. But at this point I would say that PCI is still the gold standard.We have to wait until we have the long term results and the full published result of the Japanese paper to claim otherwise. Having said that, we know that PCI may lead to neuro-cognitive decline, but first of all, this is not in all patients—it’s in about 1/4th of the patients. You do not see dementia, but you see a decrease in learning capacity, which is the same bolt in magnitude and duration as with adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. So we know that chemotherapy has about the same effects on the neuro-cognition as PCI. So in order to find out how to decrease the incidence of neuro-cognition, we, together with Jose Belderbos from the Netherlands Cancer Institute, are running a randomized phase 3 trial in Belgium and the Netherlands, where one group of patients receive regular PCI and the other group receives PCI with sparing of the hippocampus, the two nuclei in the brain which presumably are the most important parts for the neuro-cognitive function and for the learning capacity. We will see what the results will be within a few years.



版面编辑:宁梦曼  责任编辑:张彩琴


非小细胞肺癌小细胞肺癌ELCC 2015欧洲肺癌大会

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