
CCHIO 2023丨Tony Ng教授:基于器官-免疫相互作用的多组学成像用于癌症治疗分层

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2023/12/18 17:09:32  浏览量:3916


在近日于天津举办的2023中国整合肿瘤学大会(CCHIO)上,英国伦敦国王学院癌症中心的Tony Ng教授带来了《基于器官-免疫相互作用的综合成像-多组分类器对癌症治疗进行分层》(Comprehensive Imaging Based on Organ Immune Interaction-Multi group Classifiers for Stratification of Cancer Treatment)的精彩报告,并在接受《肿瘤瞭望》的采访中分享了更多类器官和影像组学的研究观点以及对参加本次CCHIO大会的感想。

编者按:在近日于天津举办的2023中国整合肿瘤学大会(CCHIO)上,英国伦敦国王学院癌症中心的Tony Ng教授带来了《基于器官-免疫相互作用的综合成像-多组分类器对癌症治疗进行分层》(Comprehensive Imaging Based on Organ Immune Interaction-Multi group Classifiers for Stratification of Cancer Treatment)的精彩报告,并在接受《肿瘤瞭望》的采访中分享了更多类器官和影像组学的研究观点以及对参加本次CCHIO大会的感想。

Tony Ng教授:这次大会值得高度赞扬,给我留下了深刻的印象,特别是由于癌症管理的广泛范围和在中国各机构观察到的显著整合水平。值得注意的是,来自30多个国家和地区的众多医生及科学家联合起来,共同应对与癌症相关的复杂挑战。这种集体努力反映了一种值得称赞的承诺,即寻找有效的对抗癌症的解决方案。
Oncology Frontier:Could you share your feelings about attending this CCHIO congress?
Prof.Tony Ng:The congress has been highly commendable,leaving a profound impression on me,particularly due to the extensive scope of cancer management and the remarkable level of integration observed across various institutions in China.It is worth noting that numerous doctors and scientists from over 30 districts have united their efforts to collaboratively address the complex challenges associated with cancer.Such a collective endeavor reflects a commendable commitment to finding effective solutions for combating cancer.
It’s a very impressive ambition to change the future of cancer management.I’m very impressed by the open arms.The chairman of the Cancer Association extends to international collaborators.I’m truly honored to be part of the speakers in this conference.


Tony Ng教授:我主要关注的是那些尽管接受了手术、化疗或放疗等主要治疗,但在两年内仍面临癌症复发显著风险的亚组患者。作为临床实践的一部分,我们每六个月进行一次CT扫描,并定期在诊所为这些患者复诊。然而,重要的是在真实世界中,这些患者表现出显著的异质性。其中,基于各种因素,有些个体被归类为高危患者,而另一些则被归类为低危患者。为了解决这种变异性并增强我们对个体患者特征的理解,我们的研究计划包括利用创新技术,如液体活检、成像模式和患者来源的类器官。
Oncology Frontier:Could you introduce your presentaion to our audience-Comprehensive Imaging Based on Organ Immune Interaction-Multi group Classifiers for Stratification of Cancer Treatment?
Prof.Tony Ng:My primary focus lies in the subgroup of patients who,despite undergoing primary treatments such as surgery,chemotherapy,or radiotherapy,continue to face a significant risk of cancer recurrence within a two-year timeframe.As part of our clinical practice,we conduct six-monthly CT scans and regularly see these patients in the clinic.However,it is important to acknowledge that in reality,these patients exhibit significant heterogeneity.Among them,there are individuals classified as high-risk patients and others classified as low-risk patients based on various factors.To address this variability and enhance our understanding of individual patient characteristics,our research initiatives encompass the utilization of innovative techniques such as liquid biopsy,imaging modalities,and patient-derived organoids.
These patient-derived organoids serve as surrogate models.Basically,they’re made by taking patients’tumours.and put it in the in vitro culture,and they almost become a living tumor.You can test drugs on,you can look for resistance mechanism.And we can also predict the risk of recurrence much more accurately,and therefore allow us to design a treatment pathway which would be personalized according to what we find in these patient derived organoid model.

Tony Ng教授:当考虑癌症的早期检测和诊断时,成像起着至关重要的作用。通常采用各种成像技术,例如乳腺钼靶技术、肺部CT扫描和结肠镜检查。然而,在个性化癌症治疗的背景下,可以观察到影像学技术没有被充分利用。将影像学整合到个性化癌症治疗领域是相对有限的。在利用成像技术根据患者个体特征来定制治疗方法方面存在很大差距。这可能是因为影像学检查有点贵。但我认为,如果把影像学技术和所有的组学、基因组学和液体活检结合起来,我们就可以对病人进行检查,我们可以使用组学来对患者进行成像检查。我确实认为,使用基于组学的非影像学检查加上影像学检查的综合准确性可以准确地确定哪些患者可能复发,将对哪种类型的治疗作出反应,并改善我们目前管理癌症患者的方式。
Oncology Frontier:How do you view the research and application of cancer imaging biomarkers in the future?
Prof.Tony Ng:When considering the early detection and diagnosis of cancer,imaging plays a crucial role.Various imaging techniques such as mammography,lung CT scans,and colonoscopy are commonly employed.However,in the context of personalizing cancer treatment,it can be observed that imaging is not adequately utilized.In comparison to the emphasis placed on imaging for early detection,the integration of imaging into the realm of personalized cancer treatment is comparatively limited.There exists a significant gap in leveraging imaging technologies to tailor treatment approaches based on individual patient characteristics.That might be because imaging is a bit more expensive,right?But I think if you can combine imaging and all the omics,the genomics,and liquid biopsy,we can perform on patient in the future,we can use the omics to triage the patient for imaging.And I do think the combined accuracy of using a non-imaging test based on omics plus an imaging test to accurately pinpoint which patient,when they come back with a recurrence,will respond to which type of treatment will improve the way that we currently manage cancer patients.



版面编辑:张靖璇  责任编辑:无医学编辑



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